Laser Therapy (or Malachite Care – a crystal known for its physical healing properties) is a drug free, non-invasive treatment to reduce pain and inflammation and to speed up the rate of healing.
There are only a small number of practices in the North West offering Class IV laser therapy. Unlike a cold laser, Class IV is far more powerful and the light can treat surface problems such as wounds, as well as deeper structures, penetrating through fur, skin and fat, if necessary, to reach damaged tissue.
Laser therapy can be used in a number of acute and chronic conditions, including but not limited to:
- Osteoarthritis
- Lumbosacral Disease, IVDD and spondylosis
- Degenerative Myelopathy
- Feline Lower Urinary Tract disease and asthma
- Pancreatitis
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Dermatitis, Pyoderma, Lick granuloma and burns
- Otitis
- Gingivitis and periodontal disease
- Post surgery healing
It can be used on its own or in conjunction with other medicines.
Treatment session are individually tailored to your pets needs but generally last around 20 mins. If larger areas need to be treated or multiples sites then the treatments may take longer.
There is no clipping or shaving required for the treatment area. When your pet arrives for therapy they will be situated in a comfortable position, and may wear laser-safe “doggles”. You will also receive laser-safe eyewear to wear during treatment if you remain with your pet during therapy.
The laser is then moved over the area to be treated – this is a painless process and some pets are so relaxed and soothed by the warmth that they fall asleep

The therapeutic infrared light targets the mitochondria in damaged cells and stimulates them to regenerate and return to optimal function. This regenerative process is called photobiomodulation (PBM). PBM does not impact normal cells, but can help damaged cells to recover from injury faster. It also releases the body’s natural endorphins to relieve pain
We can take referrals from your veterinary surgeon or first opinion cases if you wish to come directly to us although in these cases we would still need to request a history from your regular vet before commencing treatment. There may be opportunity to deliver laser therapy in your home at additional cost
Number of treatments required depends on the nature of the condition being treated. For acute conditions 1-2 treatments may be sufficient, for chronic conditions usually there is a loading phase of 3 treatments a week for the first two weeks and this then reduces to weekly, fortnightly or monthly – a positive response is usually noted by the fourth treatment. Improvements seen in Degenerative Myelopathy are not permanent and so regular sessions are required
Consultation for Laser Therapy 1st opinion
10 x 20 minute sessions
Additional 10 minute sessions
Laser therapy is covered under veterinary fees by most insurers but this is worth confirming before commencing treatment if wish to claim on your insurance
If you require any further information or to book treatment please contact Eternal Paws on 07557 789 789 or by email care@eternalpaws.co.uk